

1. According to TOGAF, which of the following are the architecture domains that are commonly accepted subsets of an overall enterprise architecture 对于TOGAF,下列哪些架构领域是普遍接受的企业架构子领域?
A. Application, Business, Data, Technology 应用,业务,数据,技术
B. Capability, Segment, Strategic 能力,分段,战略
C. Context, Definition, Governance, Transformation 上下文,定义,治理,转型
D. Definition, Realization, Transition, Vision 定义,实现,过渡,愿景
2. Which one of the following statements about the structure of the TOGAF 9 document is true 下列哪一项有关TOGAF9 文档的陈述是正确的?
A. Part I describes the TOGAF approach to Enterprise Architecture 第一部分描述了TOGAF框架实现企业架构的方法
B. Part II describes the definitions of terms used and the changes between versions of TOGAF 第二部分描述了TOGAF的术语定义和TOGAF版本变更
C. Part III describes requirements management and is considered to be the core of TOGAF 第三部分描述了需求管理且其被认作为TOGAF核心部分
D. Part IV describes the ADM: a collection of guidelines and techniques used in TOGAF 9 第四部分描述了架构开发方法:一个利用TOGAF 9的指引和技术的集合
3. According to TOGAF, which one of the following best describes an enterprise architecture 对于TOGAF来说,下列哪一项最好的描述了企业架构?
A. An architecture of a commercial organization 一种商业组织的架构
B. An architecture that consists of more than one subsidiary company 一种包含多个子公司的架构
C. An architecture that crosses multiple systems, and multiple functional groups within the enterprise 一种穿透企业中多层系统和不同功能组织的架构
D. The highest level of architecture that can be achieved in a given organization 在组织中所能达到的最高层次的架构
4. In TOGAF, what is the difference between an artifact and a deliverable 在TOGAF中,制品和交付物的区别是什么?
A. An artifact contains one or more deliverables 制品包含一个或多个交付物
B. Artifacts and deliverables are synonymous; there is no difference between them 制品和交付物是同义词,它们之间没有差别
C. Deliverables are prepared by the Project Manager, whereas artifacts are defined by the Architect 交付物由项目经理准备,而制品是由架构师定义
D. Deliverables are reusable, whereas artifacts are unique to a given architecture project 交付物是可重用的,而制品是特定于某个架构项目的
E. Deliverables are specified as contractual outputs from a project, whereas artifacts are not 交付物是由架构项目合同指定的输出,而制品不是
5. Which one of the following lists the main components within the TOGAF Architecture Repository 下列哪一选项列举了TOGAF架构存储库的主要构件?
A. Organizational Metamodel 组织元模型, Architecture Capability 架构能力, Architecture Landscape架构景观, Best Practices 最佳实践, Reference Library参考库, Compliance Strategy合规策略
B. Architecture Metamodel架构元模型, Organizational Capability Model组织能力模型, Application Landscape架构景观, SIB标准信息库, Reference Library参考库, Governance Model治理模型
C. Business Metamodel业务元模型, Architecture Capability架构能力, Architecture Landscape架构景观, SIB标准信息库, Reference Library参考库,Governance Log治理日志
D. Architecture Metamodel架构元模型, Architecture Capability架构能力, Architecture Landscape架构景观, SIB标准信息库, Reference Library参考库, Governance Log治理日志
6. Which one is not the objective of Preliminary Phase 以下哪一项不是预备阶段的目标之一?
A: Select and implement tools that support the Architecture Capability 选择和实施支持架构能力的工具
B: Establish organization context 建立组织背景
C: Define“architecture footprint”定义架构足迹
D: Define architecture principle 定义架构原则
7. Which of the following reasons best describes why the ADM numbering scheme for versioning output is an example and not mandatory 下列哪一个原因最好的描述了为什么架构开发方法版本输出编码制只是例子而不是强制的?
A. To show the evolution of deliverables 显示交付物的演进
B. To permit adaptation as required 允许适应性改变
C. To enable use with the Architecture Content Framework 让使用架构内容框架成为可能
D. To support change management 来支持变更管理
8 According to TOGAF, where should architecture governance artifacts be stored 对于TOGAF,架构治理制品储存在哪里?
A. In the Integrated Information Infrastructure Reference Model 在集成信息基础设施参考模型
B. In the Standards Information Base 在标准信息库
C. In the Foundation Architecture 在基础架构
D. In the Architecture Repository 在架构存储库
9 Which one of the following best describes the implications of TOGAF being a generic framework 以下哪一项最好的描述了TOGAF作为通用企业架构框架的含义?
A. The organization must utilize an architecture tool in order to tailor the templates for use 组织必须使用一个架构工具来裁剪使用的架构模板
B. It must be adapted to satisfy organization specific requirements 它必须适应满足组织的特定需求
C. It can be utilized by most enterprises without further customization 它可以被大多数企业所使用而无需定制
D. It can only be used for enterprise level architecture projects 它只能适用于企业级别的架构项目
E. It should only be employed under the supervision of highly trained consultants它只能在受过高度培训的咨询师的监督下使用
10. Which of the following is the architecture domain that describes the logical software and hardware capabilities 以下哪个架构领域描述了逻辑上的软件和硬件能力?
A: Application Architecture应用架构
B: Business Architecture业务架构
C: Data Architecture数据架构
D: Technology Architecture技术架构
11. Which one of the following best describes why you need a framework for enterprise architecture 以下哪一项最好地描述了为什么需要企业架构框架?
A. Architecture design is complex.架构设计是复杂的
B. Using a framework can speed up the process.使用框架可以加速流程
C. Using a framework ensures more complete coverage.使用框架保证全面覆盖
D. A framework provides a set of tools and a common vocabulary.框架提供一套工具和通用词汇表
E. All of these以上皆是.
12. Which one of the following is NOT an element of an architecture framework 以下哪一项不是架构框架的一个元素?
A: A common vocabulary一个通用词汇表
B: A list of recommended standards一个推荐标准的列表
C: A method for designing an information system in terms of building blocks 以构件块来设计信息系统的一种方法
D: A set of structures which can be used to develop a broad range of architectures一套可以用来开发广泛架构的结构
E: A system development lifecycle method for software engineering 一个软件工程的系统生命周期开发方法
13. Which one of the following describes classification methods for architecture and solution artifacts within the Architecture Repository 下列哪一项描述了架构储存库中的架构和解决方案制品分类方法?
A: Architecture Landscape架构景观
B: Architecture Vision架构愿景
C: Enterprise Continuum企业连续系列
D: Governance Log治理日志
E: Standards Information Base标准信息库
14. Complete the sentence. To promote effective architectural activity within the enterprise, TOGAF 9 recommends the establishment of _____
请完成句子。为了促进有效的架构工作,TOGAF 9提倡建立_____?
A: Enterprise Architecture Capability 企业架构能力
B: IT Governing Board IT治理委员会
C: Program Management Office 项目管理办公室
D: Quality Assurance department 质量保证部门
E: Service Management department 服务管理部门
15. Which one of the types of architecture below is not commonly accepted as part of the enterprise architecture addressed by TOGAF 以下哪一类架构不是通常TOGAF企业架构的一部分?
A. Business Architecture业务架构
B. Data Architecture 数据架构
C. Application Architecture应用架构
D. Technology Architecture技术架构
E. Pattern Architecture模式架构
16. Which phase of the ADM is used to finalize a set of transition architectures that will support implementation ADM的哪一阶段是用来最终化一套过渡架构来支持实施?
Phase D 阶段DPhase E 阶段EPhase F 阶段FPhase G 阶段GPhase H 阶段H
17. Complete the sentence. TOGAF 9 Part III provides techniques, such as developing principles and gap analysis, to support tasks within the ______ 请完成句子。TOGAF 9第三部分提供了很多技术,比如开发原则和差距分析来支持______的任务?
A: Architecture Capability Framework 架构能力框架
B: Architecture Continuum 架构连续系列
C: Architecture Development Method 架构开发方法
D: Architecture Landscape 架构景观
E: Architecture Repository 架构储存库
18. According to TOGAF, the recommended dimensions used to define the scope of an architecture include all the following, except: 对TOGAF来说,用来定义架构范围的推荐维度包括以下各项,除了?
A: Architecture Domains 架构领域
B: Breadth 广度
C: Depth 深度
D: Subject Matter 专业划分
E: Time Period 时间阶段
19. What level of the Architecture Landscape provides a long-term summary view of the entire enterprise 哪一层次的架构景观提供整个企业的长期总括性视点?
A: Capability Architecture能力架构
B: Operational Architecture运行架构
C: Segment Architecture分段架构
D: Strategic Architecture战略架构
E: Tactical Architecture战术架构
20. What part of the Architecture Repository holds specifications to which architectures must conform 架构储存库哪一部分包含了架构必须遵从的规格?
A: Standards Information Base 标准信息库
B: Enterprise Continuum 企业连续系列
C: Governance Log 治理日志
D: Architecture Landscape 架构景观
E: Reference Library参考库
21. An association of companies has defined a data model for sharing inventory and pricing information. Which of the following best describes where this model would fit in the Architecture Continuum? 一个企业协会已经定义了一个数据模型来分享库存和定价信息。以下哪一项最好地描述了这种模型适合放在架构连续系列的哪里?
A: Foundation Architecture基础架构
B: Common Systems Architecture共同系统架构
C: Industry Architecture行业架构
D: Organization Specific Architecture组织特定架构
E: Product Line Architecture生产线架构
22. In the Solutions Continuum, which of the following is the correct order of Solutions from most specific to most-generic 在解决方案连续系列,以下哪一选项是解决方案连续系列从最特定到最通常的序列?
A: Common Systems, Foundation, Industry, Organization-Specific 共同系统,基础,行业,组织特定
B: Organization-Specific, Industry, Foundation, Common Systems 组织特定,行业,基础,共同系统
C: Foundation, Common Systems, Industry, Organization-Specific 基础,共同系统,行业,组织特定
D: Industry, Foundation, Common Systems, Organization-Specific 行业,基础,共同系统, 组织特定
E: Organization-Specific, Industry, Common Systems, Foundation 组织特定,行业,共同系统,基础
23. Which one of the following is a key objective of Phase A of the TOGAF ADM 以下哪一项是TOGAF ADM阶段A的关键目标?
A: To create a roadmap that describes the evolution of the architecture over time 产生一个描述架构随时间演化的路线图
B: To prepare a Solution Architecture for the enterprise 准备一个企业的解决方案架构
C: To define an IT Strategy that maps out the technology infrastructure 定义一个映射到I技术基础设施的IT战略
D: To allocate the resources needed to implement the architecture project 分配实施架构项目所需资源
E: To articulate an Architecture Vision 清晰表达架构愿景
24. What document is used to initiate a TOGAF ADM cycle 哪个文件是用来启动一个TOGAF ADM周期?
A: Architecture Roadmap 架构路线图
B: Statement of Architecture Work 架构工作说明书
C: Architecture Landscape 架构景观
D: Request for Architecture Work 架构工作请求书
E: Architecture Vision 架构愿景
25. According to TOGAF, which of the following is the usual approach for developing the Baseline Business Architecture if no architecture or few architecture assets exist 对TOGAF来说,以下哪种是在没有架构或很少架构资产情况下开发基线业务架构的通常做法?
A: Bottom up 自下而上
B: Envisioning 点明愿景
C: Extensive 广泛的
D: Refactoring 重构
E: Top down自上而下
26 .The statement, "Getting information to the right people at the right time in a secure, reliable manner in order to support the operations that are
core to the extended enterprise" describes the concept of_____ 这句陈述“扩展的企业的核心是把信息在正确的时间以安全可靠的方式给正确的人,以此来支持运营”描述了一个_____概念?
A: Boundaryless Information Flow无边际信息流
B: Interoperability互操作性
C: Portability可移植性
D: Service Oriented Architecture面对服务的架构
E: Semantic Web语义网
27. Complete the sentence. The TOGAF Technical Reference Model _____ 请完成这个句子。TOGAF技术参考模型_____
A: is an example and should be tailored to the needs of an organization 是一个例子并应该被裁剪到符合组织需求
B: must be used “as is” for developing comprehensive architecture models 必须被用作“当前”模型来开发全面架构模型
C: contains several industry specific frameworks 包含数个行业特定框架
D: is intended to contain the Enterprise Continuum 目的是包含企业连续系列
E: contains only solution building blocks 仅包含解决方案构件块
28. Which one of the following best describes the purpose of the Communications Plan 下列哪一项最好的描述了沟通计划的目的?
A: To ensure that architecture information is communicated to the right stakeholders at the right time保证架构信息被在正确的时间沟通到正确的利益相关者
B: To evangelize the architecture to the end user community把架构传播给最终用户社群
C: To keep the Architecture Review Board informed of changes to the architecture保持架构审查委员会被告知架构变更
D: To ensure that the outcomes of a Compliance Assessment are distributed to the members of the Architecture Review Board保证合规评估的输出结果传达给了架构审查委员会成员
29. Which of the following statements best describes the purpose of the Architecture Requirements Specification 以下哪个陈述最好的表述了架构需求规格书的目的?
A: A document that triggers the start of an architecture development cycle 是一个文件来使得架构开发周期开始
B: A qualitative view of the solution to communicate the intent of the architect 一个定性的解决方案视图来沟通的架构师的目的
C: A quantitative view of the solution to measure the implementation 一个定量的解决方案视图来衡量实施
D: A record of deviations from the planned architectural approach 对与计划的架构方法的偏差的纪录
30. Complete the sentence. In TOGAF, legacy systems and processes that are going to be used again in the future are considered ______ 请完成句子。对TOGAF,遗留系统和流程将在今后继续使用被认为______ ?
A: Architecture Building Blocks 架构构建块
B: Components 构件
C: Patterns 样式
D: Re-usable Building Blocks 可重用构建块
E: Solution Building Blocks 解决方案构建块
31. Which one of the following statements about TOGAF Building Blocks is NOT true? 以下哪个选项对TOGAF构建块的描述是错的?
A: They are a package of functionality intended to meet the business needs across the organization 是一个目的是满足组织业务需求的功能的打包
B: They should have stable, published interfaces that allow other building blocks to interoperate with them它们应该稳定,有公开的接口来允许其他构建块和它们有互操作
C: They are equivalent to software component objects or web services 它们和软件组件对象或网页服务同义
D: They may have multiple implementations but with different, interdependent Building Blocks它们可能有多重的实施但有着不同的独立的构建块
E: They may be assembled from other Building Blocks它们可能封装到其他构建块
32. Complete the sentence. In TOGAF, every architecture view has an associated ____ that describes it, at least implicitly. 请完成句子。在TOGAF中,每个架构视图都关联一个____来描述这个视图,至少隐含地?
A: architecture building block架构构建块
B: architecture model架构模型
C: architecture vision架构愿景
D: requirement需求
E: viewpoint视点
33. Complete the sentence by selecting the applicable pair of words. According to TOGAF, a/an _____ is used to describe the ____ of a stakeholder. 请通过填入一对最相关的词组来完成句子。在TOGAF中,一个_____ 是用来描述利益相关者的____?
A: activity model, perspective行动模型,观点
B: viewpoint, requirements视点,需求
C: view, concerns视图,关注
D: Node Connectivity Diagram, interconnections节点连接图,互联
E: Architecture trade-off analysis, constraints架构权衡分析,局限
34. Which one of the following describes a purpose of an Architecture Compliance review 以下哪一项描述了架构合规审查的目的?
A: To define the capabilities of the organization定义组织的能力
B: To communicate the technical readiness of the project对项目的技术准备状态做沟通
C: To evaluate the readiness of the organization to undergo change评估组织对于变更的准备状态
D: To produce a new Request for Architecture Work产生新的架构工作请求
35. Which one of the following is an essential aspect of architecture governance 以下哪一项是架构治理的关键方面?
A: Authoring the Architecture Definition Document 授权架构定义文档
B: Ensuring the compliance of individual projects to the enterprise architecture 保证各个单独项目符合企业架构
C: Controlling the implementation and deployment organizations 控制实施和部署组织
D: Authoring the Communications Plan for a given architecture project 授权一个给定的架构项目的沟通计划
E. Conducting Business Scenarios 执行业务情景
36. Which one of the following does TOGAF Part VII recommend in order to implement an Enterprise Architecture Capability TOGAF第七部分推荐以下哪一项来实施企业架构能力?
A: Develop an Architecture Roadmap 开发架构路线图
B: Populate the Architecture Repository 填充架构储存库
C: Populate the Enterprise Continuum 填充企业连续系列
D: Use the Architecture Development Method 使用架构开发方法
E. Use the Implementation Governance Phase 使用实施治理阶段
37. Which one of the following is the practice by which the enterprise architecture and other architectures are managed and controlled at an enterprise level 以下哪一个是在企业层面管理和控制企业架构和其他架构的实践?
A: Architecture governance 架构治理
B: Corporate governance 公司治理
C: IT governance IT治理
D: Technology governance 技术治理
E. The program management office 项目管理办公室
38. Gap Analysis is a technique used in Phases B, C, D and
E. Which one of the following statements best describes the gap analysis technique 差距分析是一项在阶段B,C,D和E使用的技术。以下哪项陈述最好的描述了差据分析技术?
A: It highlights areas of stakeholder concern 它突出了利益相关者关注的地方
B: It highlights the impacts of change 它突出了变更的影响
C: It highlights services that are yet to be developed 它突出了还没有开发的服务
D: It highlights services that are available 它突出了可用的服务
E. It highlights different viewpoints 它突出了不同的视点
39. Which one of the following is recommended to define requirements and articulate the Architecture Vision created in Phase A? 以下哪一项被推荐来定义需求和表达在阶段A建立的架构愿景?
A: Business scenario 业务场景
B: Impact analysis 影响分析
C: Mission statement 使命陈述
D: Requirements analysis 需求分析
E. Solution architecture 解决方案架构
40. Which one of the following provides a foundation for making architecture and planning decisions, framing policies, procedures, and standards, and supporting resolution of contradictory situations 以下哪一项提供了建立架构和规划决策,构筑政策、过程及标准以及支持解决冲突情况的基础?
A: Architecture principles 架构原则
B: Buy lists 购货清单
C: Procurement policies 采购规定
D: Requirements 需求
E. Stakeholder concerns 利益相关者关注

